You can go to USA from UK in less than a price of two Mac Burgers or one pizza of Pizza hut.Its true, believe it or not, but one company Ryanair plans to fly to USA in less than 7 pounds.
No one understand how will they do that.Even if you go to central London from west London by cab, you need more than this.
I think passengers will have to stand up and instead of sitting so aeroplane can accommodate lot more passengers, or may be you are not allowed to take any luggage and in the luggage compartment they accommodate passengers or may be you have to travel in tail of the plane or its possible that aeroplane will run from water instead of oil.But how can they afford , my mind don't understand.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
give me £ 7 & i will take you to USA by Air
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Beware public i am still on road
Beware public i am still on road :) almost two weeks ago i start driving car alone , at first i feel very tense but i now i am enjoying it, still i am doing mistakes but they are not dangerous enough to make my body shake , but yesterday i make big blunder, i reach on roundabout which is close to my office and i am so used to it that i don't stop on breaking lines, because i have no idea at all that cars can come from my right side on this roundabout, it is the first time when i saw a car , which suddenly approach me and the driver is a fine lady, when she saw me without stopping and she reach very close to me than she gave me a big horn, which i listen with shame and embarrassment, but when she saw the green L on my back windscreen than she smile and i hope she forgave me.
Last night i took the car first time in night and guess what ? i didn't turn on the head lights, i totally forget about the lights and when i was in small road just 10 yards away from home than one person gave me a signal with his hand and point towards the light than i suddenly realise that lights are off.
A week ago, an ambulance put me under pressure, at that day first time i dare to drive on first lane , i prefer to drive in middle lane, because if any one want to drive fast he can drive in first lane without bothering me, but the first lane adventure soon make me tense because an emergency ambulance which was actually a car and not very prominent that its an ambulance, give me dimper three or four time from behind and i don't understand why this car doing this , but when i realise, i hurriedly change my lane and gave way to ambulance car and he cross me like arrow. I am still get tense when i change lanes in highways.
I am lucky enough that police don't see my driving yet, i came across two or three times near police cars , but whenever i see police cars i act like that i am an old experienced driver :) oh yes i also lost yesterday on roads and the place where i have to reach, suddenly disappear from maps and i have to search the whole area but at last i found my place and it was also a fun.
The good thing is this that i am a good sense able driver and i am not doing big mistakes which my other friend did when they start first driving.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Richest man of UK
May be you think that i am going to talk about myself, but you are wrong, i wish you are not, but dreams are dreams, which we can see and be happy for a while because the realities are stranger than fictions.Any way i am going to talk about the Sunday Times list of richest man of UK, according to this ,Lakshmi Mittal - a steel tycoon - an Asian bloke who accumulate more than 19 billion sterling pounds is the richest man of UK. Great fortune hummm!
I have often observe and think that when we Asians are in our home countries we are not as much successful as we are in our new countries, why , what are the reasons, why the same businessman when he do the same business in his home country he is not much successful as compare to the achievement he get in his new land, may be its due to red tape policy or corruption is the basic factor or may be the opportunities are less in our back home ?? Any way what ever is the reason, we are doing very good in west.The second biggest cash and carry of England is belong to Sir Anwar Pervez a Pakistani guy , Lakshmi Mittal is Indian and there are lot lot other examples which one can give and tell you the success stories of Asians which were nothing in their home land but in west they make fortunes.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Is this place always tidy like this ??
Today in my office my manager remind me of my school days by saying this that a very important client is going to visit our office soon and the boss order him to clean and tidy the work place as much as you can so we can impress our client. So he grab hover and start hovering and ask my other colleague to clean the work tables and my duty is to arranging the things, i am quite good in arranging things in artistic way and hiding the clutter in such a way that place look very wide, bright and tidy.We all are laughing that it looks like a inspection team is coming and we have to clean the school in such a way that every thing will look great.
Any way we did spend around half an hour and make our office brand new by small small changes.When the client arrive he met boss and when technical meeting finish boss took him to our area to show him the full building, Before leaving our workplace the client ask the boss that is this place always tidy like this ? because we make it so clean and tidy that it look fake :) than our sales manager start smiling and boss hurriedly said, oh yes! and when he leave we all start laughing that our efforts work and and he think that we are always like this.
Moral of the story : If its too good to be true , its not true
Monday, April 16, 2007
Bad Luck with Aerials
Now a days daily i try new aerial to get digital channels, but still cant get my favourite channel 5, every single channel is coming , but the channel for which i already change two antennas, still don't come, today again got new aerial from store, before this i gave back two of its aerials to store and every time the salesman ask me , is it not working ? than my answer is every time same, yes its working but its not receiving the channel which i want to see, so i need replacement and now i am afraid that if i will go third time for aerial change than they will ban my entry in store, but i will keep try and now during writing this post, i am again scanning channel that may be i am able to see my sweet channel 5 , every time i got new type of aerial and change the position frequently , but all in vain , aah! this aerial is also not good, i still can't be able to scan my channel yet, i have tried two times :( what should i do ??? today my favourite serail prison break will come and i am still struggling to get channel 5.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
When Wealth comes, It comes in Abundance
When wealth comes, it comes in abundance, you might have heard this thing before, but i am going to witness this thing in a small level.Two of my friends who are also brothers will have to get four company maintained cars in one week, they already possess their own cars, so now with in next seven days they will have keys of six different cars.
The story is this that they are good sales-men and they applied in two different companies and both companies employed them and now they are going to work in two different companies simultaneously. You may be think that how can they will manage two jobs at a time without telling their managers.In both jobs they don't have to go office daily and all the reports which they have to send is via text and e-mails.Because they are sharp enough to sell products and make clients in less time, so they work half time on one job and half on other and meet their daily targets and send reports to their respective managers side by side. They have to work extra hours to meet targets , but they will manage it, i know. The companies are not only give them cars, but also mobiles, palmtops and sat nev.So all these gadgets are now in their pockets and some time they don't know which mobile is ringing :)
They will get basic salaries plus commissions and all other facilities.Due to two jobs at a time, sometime very funny situation arise and they have to deal it very tactfully, like now a days both companies have arranged trainings for almost a week, where they have to stay all seven days in hotel and get training, but they skip one training this time, by some excuses and attend another training.The good thing about these companies are this that they don't bother if you meet their targets and this thing is in favour of these guys.I also got chance to get these jobs, but i can't handle this much hustle, i am happy in my designing stuff, i am lazy bugger who like to deal with art and graphics in nice and quite environment.Wish you best of luck guys, lets see for how long you can manage this circus. My prays are with you, because now we can use six cars and have lot of fun on company expenses, petrol is also from company ;)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Mike Tyson to dance to Bollywood tune
You can see Mike Tyson , the youngest heavyweight boxing champion , dance on the Hindi tunes soon.Yes Tyson is working in a promotional video in a new Bollywood movie. Think about it how will he look like dancing with Indian chicks, a bull in a china shop .

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Surprising Memos
From the last two days in my office we got some very surprising and very astonishing memos. Yesterday when we are working in our office than suddenly our boss pop up and give memos to every one personally. In the first memo the boss offer us a little deal that anyone who want to improve his and her skills , related to our work , are welcome by the company and boss can provide us the material and place to study in our job timings. We start our work at 8:30 am , the offer is this that if we want we can study and read articles and books and can watch motivational and educational videos and listen tapes from 8:30 till 9 am, but for this we have to come on sharp 8:15 am to office and start this from 8:15 so we can total spend 45 minutes daily on this, if anyone can come even one minute late , he is not eligible to go upstairs in meeting room and study, he have to start his work on same time. Among us we four employee agreed on this and now daily we come to office before 8:15 and go directly to office kitchen , make our tea and than go to meeting room and read books over there and drink hot tea.
Today morning when i reach in office, we met our boos outside our office and he have big bag full of fruits, he gave it to me and told me that its for everyone and ask me that can i put it in kitchen , i took the fruits and put in kitchen table. After a while when we came from meeting room, we saw another memo stick in kitchen notice board in which boss offer us that he is going to provide fruit daily to us and if we run out of fruit, than any one can buy fruits from stores and boss will pay for it. He want to see all of us eating healthy things :) this new offer again surprise us and we are talking that what happened with boss , why this sudden change , but what ever happens , its good, now our kitchen is full of fruits and we daily spend 45 minutes in office reading books. Nice hannnn ! isn't it ?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Surf baby Surf , The Sea is Yours
If you are afraid of water and can't swim than you should take lesson from this little kid , who is doing surfing in the age of two. We should know swimming, its one of the best exercise in which all of your muscle participate and you get tone body with out taking extra protein to impress people from your manly body, hummm! but this is not a sport for lazy buggers like me .
Come on why we swim , we have to surf on net, we don't have time to surf on sea , if we do sea surfing than people will demand for sand surfing in desert , than demand will increase and they will ask for air surfing and i can't do this, so its better to sit quietly in your comfort zone and eat crisps and drink coke and watch big brother type reality show.
The kid is believed to be youngest surfer on Australia' Gold coast , whenever he do surfing, everything around beach stand still. He is attracting companies who are making deals to sponsor him.he is just like a little duck in sea. Surf baby surf , the sea is yours.
Monday, April 9, 2007
I am feeling LUCKY
My biggest headache gone suddenly , i just moved from old home to new one and in this home i was scared that my be for long i can't be able to go online from my own PC and i hate to use office and libraries connection for working on my blogs and sites. My Internet provider take minimum minimum 15 days to shift the connection from one premises to another, which is annoying, because if you ask the company for new connection in the same premises than with in four five days they can give you connection on your required time and date, but for shifting the connection you are in trouble, this time the company give you time and date and you have to run from office on the specific time - not specific time even, they give you time like this that between 1 pm to 4 pm , with in you have to be in home, other wise wait for more fifteen days - not good , but what you can do, you have to listen, i am happy because in this home i have no intention to live more than one month because i am looking for more better place to hire , so i cant even get Internet with in next 15 days and this give me nightmares that how can i am away from net for around one and half month , but as soon as i plug in my computer in my new place, it detects wireless networks with speed of 1 MB and now i am enjoying the very good speed without even knowing that from which home this network is operate and i don't even need passwords, this is not security protected network, so i am surfing on net and writing this post in hurry, because i have no idea about this person net habit, it can be open for all night and it can be shut down with in minutes , i have to do spying duty for some days too, i want to know the timings of this person that when he usually come and go so with in this time i can finish my work and rest of the time enjoy TV.
right now i am not sitting on chair and i am working on knee down position because my chair is still in old home and i will collect it tomorrow.I am tired in this position and want to finish this post, so c u tomorrow.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Khan won his 12th fight
Khan won his 12th fight against his experienced Doncaster opponent .
He knocked down him in third round. I am very happy, i like him so much and want to see him successful in his life, he is a great kid.
The good thing about Khan is , his humbleness , he is unbeatable till now , but he is not proud , he every time show magnanimity and like boxing as a sport, he don't take his opponents as his enemies.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Invisibility Clock - like to be a Hollow man ?
Daily scientist do something new, now they get the secret of invisibility clock and have come with a workable design for an invisibility clock, same type of clock which you have seen in Harry Potter's movie, if not than watch and get an idea that what we are talking about.
Last year physicist figured out the very complex mathematical equations by which they can make things invisible by bending the light around them.
At Purdue University, Indiana, USA , a group of engineers have used those calculations to make a device which may be one day ,able them to disappear a giants like aeroplanes.
Everything have good and bad effects , for army personal its fine, they can hide their self from night vision goggles and can deceive laser lights, which is used to illuminate surface to see things, but if the same device crooks got than what happened , they can use it very negatively, hummm ! let me think what i can do with this, mmmm , if i got this device the first thing which i will do, i will not tell you , now i stop writing and start thinking about the negative use of it, so its better to not think about it, it will lead us to bad things. So its better that only government can have access to these type of things , i know governments also used this for spying to other countries, but what we can do.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
China wall - No Great Dragon this time
China is going to built another concrete monster , but this time China add Dragon head in it, Yes China is going to built a Dragon's Den.
This Dragon is going to be 21 km - 13 mile - and the head of the Dragon is 30 meter high and it is under construction in a national park in Henan province.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Talking CCTV, Big Brother Gone mad
Now council worker in UK not only see you, but will even shout on you, thanks to talking CCTV, if you are making any mess around, not with litter only, but if you are doing vandalism, anti social behaviour, any thing which make life difficult for public, will be not tolerated and you have to order by operators to stop from this direct from control rooms.They can communicate directly with you.
This talking CCTV scheme is going to be expand around whole United kingdom. Currently this scheme is going successfully in Middlesbrough to stop vandals and tell litter criminals to pick their garbage and throw in proper place. Nice scheme , some people don't like it , but government is determined to make it successful in all over the country.
There is a competition in schools in different areas to get the voice which will talk with people.I wish i am in school.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
How to paint the MONA LISA with MS PAINT
Its really nice, Graphic artists are doing really amazing work, here is another good work ,watch and enjoy.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Alone on road! Scarry version
haaaa! at last this day come in my life,for which i am waiting from the last so many years, today i drove to my work alone, yes its me and my God alone, no one else, no instructors, no thick teachers, no friends, no one for my protection, the truth is mostly for the public protection, because my friends declared me a Road risk and give my name to authorities to put it in dangerous drivers list,and all of them refuse to sit with me, with some excuses, some said that they are still unmarried, some said that they don't see Michale Jackson yet, some said that they are not in a hurry to see the God soon, some said that they don't have life insurance, some said they are bound by the promise which they have with their mothers that they will not risk their lives.They all are coward, hunn!